Divorce, custody, co-parenting, step parenting, children and parent’s mental health are areas requiring expertise. A sensitive and thoughtful therapist can help negotiate these issues in order to develop, preserve and build a safe and a secure home life for each family. Adoption can be an issue requiring specialized services as well.
I have extensive experience in mental health issues related to post divorce, co-parenting, adoption children’s mental health and related legal issues. I have been an expert witness numerous times for custody and parenting challenges after divorce. I am available for consultation services for attorneys and other health professionals involved in helping children and parents in all related issues. I am also a parent who has personal experience in both adoption and step parenting and my experience indicates many providers struggle to understand the complexity of these issues. I was a public-school teacher for 15 years, a pediatric occupational therapist, a supervisor of clinicians and a private practitioner as a limited licensed psychologist. I have years of experience that I bring to my consultation business.
I am available for consultation to attorneys, parents, schools, professional offices and agencies that may be involved in related mental health issues.
Please use this contact form to contact me about consultation opportunities.